Friday, April 17, 2009


Just some quick models. Went back and looked over the Snapdragon. Can't get trying to animate him out of my head, so started the (hopefully) refreshing task of trying to rig a full model for the first? Maybe second time. Not the most appealing thing on my list, but what can you do. Can't eat the cake without cooking.

Another model in the works. Based off of the interesting monsters of Ether Saga Online, with that Journey to the West theme. Must admit I'm a sucker for that whole Guardian/Monster Pet thing. Gonna give texturing him a shot, and hopefully match the style of the game. Incoming Swirlies~!Also realized I never posted my first full attempt at texturing. Not exactly the most beautifully done, but I managed to figure out an alpha map for her crystal portions to make them semi-transparent. Small steps...

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